
19 Disturbing Signs You’re In An Unhealthy Relationship

16. They try to make you jealous, and a doormat when they talk to other girls. Or on the other end of the spectrum, they get super jealous with you. You’re not allowed to talk to other guys, and you feel like your guy is generally just possessive. If he doesn’t want you hanging out with your friends, that’s another dangerous sign.

17. They don’t prioritize you – they prioritize things like work, and weekends with the boys more than you. AKA, they’re basically uninterested in you.

18. You guys have broken up more than once. If you keep breaking up, there’s probably a reason.

19. They want to keep your relationship a secret. If you aren’t proud of the person you’re with and don’t want to shout it to the world, this could hint at unfaithfulness, or other shady behavior.

