Bodyweight exercising is getting more and more popular in the fitness world thanks to the fact that it is practical, simple and beneficial for you to get in shape using your own body weight. One of these bodyweight exercises are the planks and they will never get out of fashion, as they are one of the most effective exercises. This is so because they do not take much time investment on your part and offer the opportunity to achieve substantial results in a relatively short period of time.

7 Things That Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day

Our abdominal muscles are very important as they provide support for our entire back and spinal column. Moreover, they also play a key role in preventing injuries. Still, if you want them to perform their function successfully, you must make them strong and train them on a regular basis. In other words, doing plank exercises every day is a great way to make your core stronger and thus support your spine.


We will know let you know what will happen if you start doing planks every day.

1. You’ll improve core definition and performance:

Planks are the best exercise for the abdominal muscles as they engage all main core muscle groups including the transverse abdonimus, the rectus abdominus, the glutes, and the external oblique muscle. It is very important to make each of these muscle groups stronger, because they all serve their own purpose. By strengthening these muscle groups you will notice that:

  • the transverse abdominis have increased their capability to lift heavier weights
  • the rectus abdominis have boosted the performance when it comes to sport, especially to jumping. This is also the muscle group that gives you the well-known six pack look.
  • the oblique muscles have improved their ability to side-bend steadily and waist-twist.
  • the glutes have started to support your back better and your booty has become stronger and better shaped.

2. You’ll decrease your risk of injury in the back and spinal column

While you do planks, you are building your muscles making sure that you are not applying too much pressure to your spine or hips. As the American Council on Exercise states, by doing planks on a regular basis you do not only considerably reduce back pain, but you also strengthen your muscles and make sure that your entire back is well and strongly supported, especially in the areas around your upper back.

3. You’ll experience an increased boost to your overall metabolism

By doing planks you challenge your entire body in a way, since doing this exercise on a daily basis will burn more calories than doing any other traditional abdominal exercise, including crunches or sit-ups. If you do this exercise every day you will make sure that you burn more energy even when you sit. This is particularly important for people who spend the majority of their day sitting in front of a computer. Furthermore, we need to mention that this exercise only takes 10 seconds to 1 minute and you can do it in your own home before or after work, and if you do it every day, it will not only provide an improved metabolic rate but it will also ensure that this metabolic rate remains high all day long, even while you sleep.

4. You’ll significantly improve your posture

By regularly practicing planks you will improve your ability to stand with straight and stable posture. Thanks to the strengthening of your core, you will be capable to always maintain proper posture as the muscles in the abdomen have a profound effect on the overall condition of your neck, chest, shoulders and back.

5. You’ll improve overall balance

If you have tried standing on one leg, and you’ve noticed that you are not able to do it for more than a couple of seconds, do not worry. It was not because you were drunk (unless you really were at the moment), but instead, it was because your abdominal muscles were not sufficiently strong to give you the balance you needed. This can easily be fixed by doing side planks and planks with extensions. Doing these exercises will improve your balance and boost your performance in any kind of sport or activity.

6. You’ll become more flexible than ever before

One of the best benefits that the regular plank practicing provides is flexibility. This form of exercise expands and stretches all the posterior groups of muscles: the collarbone, the shoulders, and the shoulder blades, and it also stretches your toes, the arches of your feet, and your hamstrings. If you add the side plank to your daily routine, you can also work on your oblique muscles. The bonus you will notice when it comes to your body’s flexibility is the ability to hyper-extend your toes, a movement that is essential for supporting your body’s weight.

7. You’ll witness mental benefits

The plank exercises also have an impact on our nerves, and this makes them an excellent means of improving the overall mood. You probably wonder how this is possible. Well, the groups of muscles that are being stretched during this exercise contribute to stress and tension in the body. It is only logically: if you sit all day in your chair, whether it is at work or at home, your thigh muscles become tight, your legs become heavy due to the fact that they are being forced to slump forward all day, and all of these things put too much stress on both the muscles and the nerves. So, we are happy to inform you that the planks are not only efficient when it comes to calming your brain, but they are also efficient for treating anxiety and symptoms of depression. Still, you should know that this only happens if they are a part of your daily routine.

Finally, we offer you an example of a simple plank exercise you can do to achieve great results in only five to ten minutes per day.

This amazing infographic reveals some of the best plank exercises to evenly target all abdominal muscle groups.


So, it is up to you to decide if you have five to ten minutes of your day to stay fit, healthy, and, most importantly, strong as a bull. We know that you will make the right choice and the plank exercises a part of your life.

You can set a goal for yourself. You know that good health is one of the most important things that will help you enjoy life. That is why you should always keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, so share this with them and make the first step.
