
8 Reasons Why Being Strong Is Sexier Than Being Skinny

8 Reasons Why Being Strong Is Sexier Than Being Skinny 33. The media is always gonna throw things our way that are unattainable.

Creating your own standards of beauty is best thing you can do to feel powerful. You know youre a babe, and no one can refute that. No matter how slender, curvy, or natural a woman is, Hollywood will probably find a way to tear her apart. So embrace yourself for what you are, instead of trying to fit in a mold. That alone will give you a glow.

8 Reasons Why Being Strong Is Sexier Than Being Skinny 44. Being active instead of dieting makes you feel happier, because dieting doesnt release any endorphins.
Youll realize how overcoming physical hurdles are possible if you just get rid of your mental pain. Releasing endorphins and knowing that your body is amazing is a way more valuable asset then portion control. Working out cheers up your body, and the sense of achievement every time you get a level higher in your workout feels so much better than saying no to your favorite indulgences.

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