It is very important how you start the day. According to Indian Ayurvedic philosophy, the choice of your daily routines makes your body or completely resistant or susceptible to diseases. According to Ayurveda, everyone needs to start focusing on the morning rituals that will encourage compliance with the bodys natural rhythm, balance of three elemental energies (air and space, and fire and water and earth), and enhancing self-esteem and self-discipline.

When you get up in the morning maybe your mind immediately tells you to check the e-mail, to take the dog on walks or hasten the setting for the work, but no matter how limited the time for your daily morning ritual is, it would be good if you find time to add another small part in it. It will certainly affect the improvement of your health. Start your day with a cup of hot (not boiling) water and add a half squeezed lemon.Reasons Why You Should Drink Warm Lemon Water in the Morning!

Here are the benefits of this morning ritual:

1. Improves the immune system

The lemons are full of vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is excellent in fighting colds, while potassium stimulates the brain and nerves and helps in controlling blood pressure.

2. Balances your pH value

The lemons are highly alkaline foods. They themselves contain acids, but in our body they act alkali (acid lime creates acidity in the body once it is processed in the body). The alkali body is crucial for good health.

3. Helps to reduce weight

The lemons are full of pectin fiber, which helps reduce spasms caused by hunger. It also showed that people who practice more alkaline diet, lose pounds quickly.