
Blonde vs Brunette: Top 10 Celebrity Hair Transformations

9. Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway had long dark hair for most of her career as an actress. In the recent years she has changed up her hairstyles a lot, wearing it short, having a bob and playing around with bangs, but it was that time she went blonde that had the most shocking effect on her fans. Her short blonde hair looked very stylish when she chose to wear it up with a lot of volume and sort of slicked back sides. But she does like being a brunette more, as evident by the fact that she went back to having dark hair recently.

10. Emma Watson
There will probably always be a part of us that associated Emma Watson with bushy haired Hermione, but she did go through a lot of hair transformations. She was a blonde for a good while, but her decision to become a brunette definitely made her look more grown up, and more as a strong, confident woman, rather than a child star in Hollywood.
