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4 Natural Ways To Boost Your Mood

Experiencing a low mood can be unpleasant, especially if it doesn’t seem to have a root cause. While consistently being in a poor mood for a prolonged span of time could be a serious condition like depression, there is also the possibility that it could be tied to some of your daily habits. Many things

Study Shows Sports Are Good for Your Brain

The level of high school sports participation is at an all-time high.1 Students who play competitive sports enjoy physical and mental benefits. It reduces the rate of obesity, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. It also improves cardiovascular and pulmonary function and increases the potential that young people will go on to stay physically

Excess Sleep Can Increase Stroke Risk by 85%

While the pitfalls of too little sleep have been well documented, there are also risks of sleeping too much, which is generally defined as more than nine hours a night. Specifically, excessive sleep, along with long midday naps, may increase your risk of stroke, according to a Chinese study involving 31,750 people.1 It’s unclear exactly

How to Motivate Kids: Expert Tips

Want to learn how to motivate your child all year long? Watch as our expert shares her tips for motivating kids. Virginia Gryta, MS, shares her strategies to motivate kids and help them learn academic skills. Kids with learning and thinking differences may find it difficult to stay motivated. She recommends a fun project or