
How a Psychic Reading Can Enhance Your Relationship

How a Psychic Reading can Enhance Your Relationship | California PsychicsClarity for Your Relationship

I can say with confidence that after close to thirty years of reading professionally for clients of all different experiences and backgrounds, the majority of psychic readings are about relationships. Even if the reading seems to be about something else: work, career, a potential move, or an artistic endeavor, in the end, the reading usually comes down to important relationships in our lives. Sometimes this is a relationship that we are currently in, sometimes it is about a past relationship that we are still dealing with emotionally. Occasionally, because it is a psychic reading, it may be about a new relationship – someone you haven’t even met yet.

An Abundance of Noise

It doesn’t take a psychic to tell you that if you are looking for relationship advice, there are many places that you can go. People are always talking about how to have better relationships on talk shows, on the radio, and podcasts. Hundreds of books on the subject are published every year, and if you don’t want a stranger’s advice, most of us have a best friend, a parent, sister, brother, or co-worker who is more than happy to tell us what is wrong with our significant other, how they knew from the beginning that our ex wasn’t right for us, and which dating sites we should be subscribing to online. Sometimes we are bombarded by so much advice, most of it unfocused, that we can end up shutting down in frustration. It can feel like so much noise inside our heads.

A Missing Connection

A recent client wanted to know why she wasn’t connecting with the man she had been seeing for several months. They had been on a series of dates, and their time together had been pleasant enough, but she felt guilty because there weren’t any real sparks. As we began the reading, I could see that she had a history with this man, and she confirmed that they had known each other for years, they had even gone to high school together, and their families were good friends. He had recently moved back to the town they grew up in.

It became clear the more cards I turned over that while she liked “John” she wasn’t attracted to him on a deep level. She felt an obligation, however, to please everyone in their community who believed, “Carol and John” would be perfect together. When she asked the people she knew for advice and tried to suggest that maybe they weren’t right for each other after all, everyone kept giving her John’s resume. “But he went to law school,” “But he graduated top of his class,” “But he’s so handsome.”

It took a psychic to say, “All those things may be true, but you’re not obligated to like him just because everyone else does, and my guides suggest you should stop seeing him if you’re not having a good time.” Even though most of her friends and family were shocked and disappointed in the end, she told John that although she thought he was a great guy, she didn’t think they had enough in common. She was very grateful when, a month later, she was asked out by an artist in her building. I spoke with her almost a year later and she and her partner were engaged.

An Impartial Psychic View

A psychic reading can be a great way to focus on the relationships in your life because the psychic reader has no agenda, and no pre-conceived idea of who you should be with. When I read for clients about a relationship, and most of time we are talking about romantic relationships, I begin by asking my guides to give us clear information in the reading, and to tell my client whatever it is that they need to know. My only goal is to make sure they get their questions answered and that the reading is helpful to them.

As a reader, I often hear from people right after a fight or break-up. The question is usually, “Is my relationship over?” Sometimes there is an ex from the past who has started calling again and the client wants to know, “Does she still love me?” “Why is she calling now?” “Will we get back together?” I have found that a psychic reading can be helpful in answering all of these questions.

A Matter of Silence

It is also important to remember that we don’t have to be in crisis for a psychic reading to inspire us to have a stronger relationship with someone we love. There are times where the communication seems to be strained, we feel that we are drifting apart, we feel taken for granted, or our partner seems distracted and we want to know how we can get the relationship back on track. I had a client recently who was convinced that her husband was cheating on her. She observed that he wasn’t present when they were together, he was withdrawn, and when she asked what was wrong, he just smiled sadly and changed the subject. She was convinced there was another person in his life.

My cards revealed that he was dealing with stress at work, and this was concerning him financially. Because he was a very proud, independent Capricorn, he hated to tell her what was wrong, hoping to fix everything on his own. She felt shut out and had drawn the wrong conclusions. When she confronted him, he acknowledged that he was worried about work and some financial investments he’d made. They were able to talk about a plan going forward, and their intimacy returned because he felt relieved not to have the burden on his shoulders.

A Psychic’s Assistance

A psychic can look at your relationships using his or her tools – I personally work with tarot and astrology – or, in some cases, no tools at all, and let you know where criticism is creating tension in your relationship, when you are avoiding commitment, and when you are about to meet the love of your life. A good reading can let you know that it is time to send flowers, or that maybe this is a good time to give your partner some space.

Every psychic knows the importance of good relationships because we are doing our best to improve and sustain the relationships in our own lives. We want to help. The stillness and calm of a psychic reading can give us the time and space we need to get the clarity we need to move forward. Often just asking the question, “How can I enhance my relationship” means you are halfway there. When I read, my affirmation for relationships is this: everyone likes a love story, and every love story deserves a happy ending.

A Tarot Spread for Relationships

Have you and your partner reached a milestone moment in your relationship? Perhaps you’re trying to decide if it’s time to move in together, or you’ve had a fight and you’re uncertain of how to resolve it, or you’re looking for the best way to achieve a mutual desire. Whether positive or negative, clear your mind of everything except your question, and draw seven cards.

Card 1 – What is happening? A conflict? Decision? Desired Situation?

Card 2 – Your thoughts about the situation

Card 3 – Your feelings about the situation

Card 4 – Your behavior or attitude about the situation

Card 5 – Their thoughts about the situation

Card 6 – Their feelings about the situation

Card 7 – Their behavior or attitude about the situation

Watch the video below for the proper layout for this Tarot spread.

There’s nothing worse than romantic uncertainty, but you don’t have to navigate the ebbs and flows of love alone. A love psychic is always available to help and a psychic love reading is exactly what you need to get your relationship on the path to forever.

Find a love psychic or learn more about psychic love readings.

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