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To all of my sisters in this Christ walk know that God has got your back.Be blessed!YOU CAN'T HOLD A GOOD WOMAN DOWN. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Isaiah 54:17

Today I came to encourage all of my sisters who are sold out to the Lord and yet you find yourself struggling with some issues in life. I came today to remind you that no weapon formed against you will prosper. I came to remind you that in life you cant hold a good woman down

Too often I receive emails from women who are going through one thing or another. There are some who are struggling as single mothers with no support. There are some who are holding down two jobs because the spouse has walked away. There are some who are in abusive relationships and dont know how to get out. There are some who are so busy holding up the rest of the world that they secretly are crying whos going to help them. There are some who need to clearly hear that you cant hold a good woman down

Today I want to encourage you and let you know that God has not forgotten you. The weapons that have been formed against you will not prosper. Though you might be suffering right now it wont last always. Remember to always and I mean always put your faith in God.

I want to say to the single mother remember that you are Gods chosen angel to do what you are doing. Some days it might seem like too much, but know that He will never put more on you than you can bear. You are not built to break. For the mother having to hold down multiple jobs because your spouse has walked away I first say to you turn the anger over to God. Even in the middle of all of this still see God. Hes there. He is making sure that you keep it together. Stay faithful to Him and He will pull you through. For my sister who is in the abusive relationship I say to you that you will know when you are sick and tired of what you are going through. God never intended for you to be any persons physical or mental punching bag. Trust God that if you take a step to get out of harms way, that He will handle the rest for you. You might find it hard to leave, but know that it is more dangerous to stay. For my sisters who are holding everybody else up and you are wondering who will catch you if you fall, then I came to tell you that His name is Jesus. Remember when Moses got tired God sent help. Remember He sent someone to hold his arms up and Hell do the same for you.

So today I came to remind all of my sisters who are in Christ that life cant hold a good woman down. Even if it seems that you are close to the edge call on the name of Jesus and know that you will never fall completely over. Storms will come, but because you are His then they will never destroy you. Remember the character of you are in is anchored in Christ. So when life starts to get to you, hold your head up anyway because this too shall pass.


Sheila Flowers

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