
Rub Some Baking Soda On Your Nails and Watch What Happens! This Trick Will Change Your Life Forever!

You have certainly heard about the powerful effects of baking soda as a remedy. This extremely cheap remedy can be used for combating numerous health conditions and issues, such as colds, and even cancer. Furthermore, baking soda can be used as a deodorant, as a means for oral hygiene, and much more.

Rub Some Baking Soda On Your Nails and Watch What Happens! This Trick Will Change Your Life Forever!

You now know that you must include this ingredient into your homemade pharmacy. Baking soda can be used for treating acidity, metabolic acidosis, peptic ulcer, drug intoxication, diarrhea prevention, etc. its antipruritic properties can help you maintain your skin healthy and radiant. You can use baking soda to get rid of colds and plague.

The sodium from baking soda can help you prevent hyperkalemia, bladder infections, and kidney stones.

Here is how to use the potent baking soda:

Old Remedies:

  • Use baking soda for refreshing your breath. Just add a little baking soda in some water and gargle
  • you can ease the pain and inflammation into your muscles that is the result of a hard workout by drinking baking soda
  • You can use baking soda for brushing your teeth. Just put some baking soda onto your toothbrush and you will get an excellent means for whitening your teeth
  • Combine one teaspoon of salt, a little water, some peppermint essential oil, and three tablespoons of baking soda. Soak your feet into this mixture for about twenty minutes and you will get rid of the itching, the odor and the soreness.
  • You can fight nail fungus and get rid of the grime thanks to baking soda. Just apply a little bit of it on a nail brush and scrub your nails with it
  • You can use baking soda for removing acne, dead skin cells and excess facial oil. Make a scrub made of baking soda. Use one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of water and rub this mixture on your face. You can also ease bee stings, insect bites, and itching caused by sumac, poison ivy and oak. Just make a paste from water and baking soda and apply it onto the sting. You can also use this paste made of baking soda and water for getting rid of canker herpes and sores lesion, as it will dry them quickly

Homemade Recipe for Acidity

You can use baking soda for reducing acid reflux. This ingredient helps in providing alkaline environment in your body. Mix one fourth to one half of teaspoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can also use apple cider vinegar instead of lemon juice. Pour this mixture in a tall glass, wait for the foam to settle and then add 230 milliliters of water into the glass. The consumption of this mixture will aid you neutralize your pH, it will reduce the acidosis, and it will thus protect your stomach.

More Homemade Recipes with Baking Soda

Baking soda is more and more associated with treating cancer. According to Dr. Mark Simoncini, the mixture made of baking soda and molasses can treat and prevent diabetes, fungal infections, and cancer.

  • Make a mixture from baking soda and lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and use it for reducing the symptoms of thrombosis
  • Eliminate the oral thrush by gargling a mixture made of baking soda and water
  • Eliminate Candida yeast by douching with a mixture made of one teaspoon of baking soda and some warm water. This will alleviate the itching as well.
  • You can treat urinary tract infections by making a drink with 230 milliliters of water and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Consume this drink twice a day and you will soon notice the difference


These recipes based on baking soda are not recommended for kids under the age of five and for pregnant women.

Furthermore, beware if you are utilizing baking soda while you use other prescribed medications. Prior to starting with any of these treatments, consult your doctor first.

Remember that you should always dissolve the baking soda before you utilize it. You should never use it in the form of a powder.

If you need to avoid sodium, do not use the baking soda. It is able to exhaust the vitamins and the minerals from the body. Moreover, any treatment based on baking soda should not last more than two weeks time.

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