
What is Aspartame? 5 Surprising Facts You Never Knew About This Chemical Sweetener

3. Reagan appointed the FDA commissioner that supported the approval of aspartame despite the evidence showing its dangerous

Scientists accidentally discovered aspartame while developing and ulcer drug for G.D. Searle and Company, and in 1985 Monsanto bought this pharmaceutical company. The scientists discovered that the chemical tastes sweet, so G.D. Searle asked the FDA for approval.

Remember that the first safety experiments on aspartame proved that it causes grand mal seizures and death in monkeys, and these results were later omitted from the FDA. Even the FDA scientists discovered on their own that aspartame was not quite health-friendly and extremely dangerous. At that point the G.D. Searle waited for the new FDA commissioner appointed by Ronald Reagan.

He was paid off to push the chemical through the approval process. The details of this shocking story can be seen in the following document posted on the FDAs website. Corruption was the perfect ally that helped this artificial sweetener end up in over 9,000 products, and many of them still contain it:

4. Aspartame is made from the feces of genetically modified (GM) Escherichia coli bacteria

Similar to the fermentation process, special genes are used to modify Escherichia coli bacteria, so they are able to produce high levels of special enzyme that produces phenylalanine. This enzyme is necessary for the production of aspartame.

5. Aspartame goes through the blood-brain barrier and it can potentially cause permanent brain damage

Aspartame contains about 40% aspartic acid. Never heard of it? It is a free-form amino acid, able to cross between the blood-brain tissue. When excess amount of this amino acid enters the body, the brain cells are overwhelmed with calcium.

This results in neural cell damage or even cell death, which leads to serious brain damage. In the more severe cases, the exposure to aspartate (the other name of aspartic acid) can cause neurological conditions like Alzheimers or epilepsy.

It can also cause multiple sclerosis (MS) and dementia. Endocrine disorders, meaning imbalanced or inadequate hormone production, are associated to the so-called excitotoxin exposure exposure to free-form amino acids like aspartate, known to overstimulate the brain.

If you have heard about any of this reasons you will sure help others by sharing this information, giving them the chance to make a more informed choice. You should be aware of the fact that the media will not broadcast against major corporate interest, so it is up to people like us to share the information and warn others.

Watch the following informative video, and get a better picture about artificial sweeteners:


3. Reagan appointed the FDA commissioner that supported the approval of aspartame despite the evidence showing its dangerous
Scientists accidentally discovered aspartame while developing and ulcer drug for G.D. Searle and Company, and in 1985 Monsanto bought this pharmaceutical company. The scientists discovered that the chemical tastes sweet, so G.D….

